Some say that Loosey Goosey interprets songs about love, death, war, booze and murder like a pack of stray dogs from the thirties of the past century. Therefore they take a quirky dig into the work of Brecht & Weill, Waits and Cohen, amongst others. Also there’s their own work. Thematically not really a ‘walk in the park’, but live this could all end up in a feast for the eye, ear and your dingy fantasies. But then again, there’s just a handful of people who where there, or are able or willing to tell about it. What we do know is that these gentlemen of questionable reputation in dusty clothes of the finest quality prefer to make their musical plans in dark cabinets of curiosities and old dogs. But most people deny ever having met them. Why could that be? And what is there to be found at the bottom of the pond?
Loosey Goosey: ‘Imprecise, disorganized, or excessively relaxed’ (English Oxford dictionary)

Dirk Gijsemans – voice and sax
Anton Lambert – contrabass
Hans Mortelmans – guitars
Thomas Noël – piano and things

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